Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Jayme, Z, Preston & Carey (not shown) are flying kites. March winds! Actually it looks
like Jayme is flying the kite and I'm not sure what Preston is doing - maybe hitting the neighbors house!
Preston is being very silly - I like his expression here....

These are the "cannons" put together by Preston and laid out on the carpet
for battle- the war is on! I think he is very creative. He sure likes the war/fighting scenarios....
This is a "sap" or "worm" moon - the picture is weird, but the moon looked giant. This was taken at about 8 in the morning. See how high up it still is. It is the full moon during Spring, when the ground thaws and the earthworms come out. It can also refer to the time of year for tapping maples for sap.... betcha didn't know that. It was in the newspaper
on the day the moon was so full, and I read the article - Please don't let our newspapers go
the way of the 8 track tapes! .... everyone please subscribe to your town newspaper or any newspaper - the internet is terrific, but the newspaper carries news we may not know about and/or be aware of. Don't let our newspapers become obsolete - it will diminish us educationally and culturally!!! Fight for your newspaper....
My zucchini and summer squash casserole (courtesy of Emeril) I took to Sue's for family dinner - it was delish - and easy. I'm getting antsy for the garden - hopefully this year it will be onderful. Last year's garden was very sad.... Anyway try a new veggie recipe for your family meal just for fun!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another Deep Thought from Jack Handy......

Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.

You know when you think about it, they really ARE deep thoughts......

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Visit with My Kids!

I visited Song and family this last weekend. Will was particularly fond of showing us his uvula and this was his favorite pose. I honestly couldn't stop him! He IS and he thought he was very hilarious. Note the new "faux-hawk" haircut. He's quite the dashing young man. His mama is pretty cute too.
Vivian has taken up with the "guy" pose. She likes to do the Spiderman/Ironman stance and
also looks very strong and scary as you can see.... I get a kick out her in so many ways!!!!

This was Gma's birthday present for Cady - As you can see, Ian and Cady had a swell time in the Ball Pit. I listened to Dennis blow it up in the morning and thought we were under attack of some kind until I figured out what I was hearing.... I don't think my lungs could stand it, but Dennis has a good set.
If you double click on this one- you can see Cady's 4 teeth. She is definitely the winner - I don't think anyone else in the family (including Mom and Dad) had teeth until at least 12 months - Cady is proud of hers - they are cute cute cute. My camera blinds her, which is why her eyes are closed in most of my pictures of her.... We celebrated her 1st birthday and had a fun party with a flower cake made by the Mama....
Here is the group - four little rag-a-muffins having fun. Will is demonstrating a measuring tape, Cady is trying to get into the fireplace, Viv is still doing the "guy" pose and Ian is playing with his "Cars" game.....What a sweet little group.

Another pose of Miss Cady in the Pit - she is so cute.
Another favorite shot of Ian - I'm sad that his mouth is covered, but I love his
expression in this picture. For some reason, Ian changed my name from Gma to
Papa - Song and I laughed about it, but it was so sweet.
Caught the rubber girl in action. I couldn't catch her with the knees up to
her ears but this one is close.
Another pic of the faux-hawk. Will looks like a young handsome man with such a
beautiful face. He doesn't look 6 to me here but he is very excited to be turning
7 in June!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March Birthdays - Pisces People

Happy Birthday today my Cady girl! You are sweet! Can't wait to see your teeth~~~
One year old and oh so precious.
Aaron's is tomorrow, the 12th - Happy Birthday to you on your big 3-0!!
Mike, this is the only pic I have of you, at my office file - it's an oldie but a goodie,
just like yourself... just kidding, remember I have 20 on you....
Happy Birthday to my BFF - she is finally the same age as me once her day comes around.
We've been hangin' for 44 years . . . . too crazy .... still feel 12. Lana you're always beautiful.
Amy is a Pisces too - a lot of fishy people - Pisces are exceptional people!! Happy Birthday

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

PP13 - He Scores!

With the weather a little bit nicer, Preston had Papa drag out the basketball standard and was tossing like he was one of the Jazz players. Sorry the pictures are backwards - I keep forgetting to insert them the right way, but this pic is actually after making the basket! Preston was
very excited to score.
Preston has been practicing and he just eyeballed the square and went for it.....

Checking it out...getting ready to throw... It's grand to be outside. "Awesome" as he would say. He has picked up this ubiquitous word and now it is a big part of his vocabulary.....he says it really loud and so it is like: AWWWWESOME! every time he says it. He makes me laugh.
Go Preston!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Amy

We had a little celebration on Sunday for Amy's 25th birthday - as you can see, Preston
was quite excited and very helpful to his Momma. He helped blow out candles and helped
open her presents. He is always happy to see her!
Jayme fixed a yummy dinner and we enjoyed each other's company. Mom &
Dad had just returned from their trip to California, so it was good to have them
home. I did have to remind my mother who I was several times....(I'm exaggerating)
It was a nice day.. Amy has a lot of trouble in her life, but we love her and keep hoping
for her to be the best she can be. We keep hoping!