Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yay for Pedicures!

What can I say, not much is going on!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Good Question - another "deep" thought from Jack Handy

How come the dove gets to be the peace symbol? How about the pillow? It has more feathers than the dove, and it doesn't have that dangerous beak.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Birthday to B and Z

Here is the "B"-day Girl and some of her family! Geo,GP, Teresa, Tanner,
Amber, and the Girl herself: B (this pic was actually taken over the holidays)
Preston - being sweet and cheesey!!! These are dandelions he picked for me...(I am allegic but he didn' t know that)
Mom at the Fashion Place Mall parking lot, we went to Cheesecake Factory for B's dinner.

Here is P-Reston with the other Birthday Girl ZZ -

Will and Preston in the yard over the weekend. Song and her family came in for the weekend so Song could run the half Marathon in SLC - (see her blog for details) - anyway I got the kids and they had a pretty fun time with their old Gma and the neighbors...Jayme, Carey, Preston and Z.
Except E (Ian) - he is terrified of Z...and Martha. He struggles with the animal kingdom.

Dad and Viv - having a moment together.....

Will - being hilarious (He thought so)

Viv again - Tripod girl
"E" freshly bathed and having a "NACK".

Cady - she is eating Song's marathon medal... Yum. It was a fun weekend.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

"WHY" - that IS the question!! Busy coloring ~~

More dipping and painting....
Hanging at Grandma & Grandpa's.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Birthday / Visits!

Sue and Song having a little celebration for the happy day!
Wendy came into town to hang with her Mom for her birthday weekend.

Dinner at Market Street Oyster Bar with Sue and Friends on Thursday! Happy Birthday Sis!
Song and Dennis came into town to celebrate their anniversary - #8 can you believe it???
and Wendy was here for Sue's day. It was fun to visit with the out of towners and of course I got to spend time with my lovies.
Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT to my nephew Tom Hildebrand!!! Happy Birthdays all around~~~

Thursday, April 2, 2009

EEWW and PP continued....

This is what I woke up to yesterday, I about dropped the mirror ... Everyone who spoke to me winced when they looked at me and Preston was very upset. He checked on me first thing today
to see if it was better. (Honest, it doesn't hurt...just looks nasty) It is still there, but fading.

Some more of Preston's elaborate set-ups. I am fascinated by his layout of pieces and parts
to make a whole. These are screws that he setup as "missiles" - there was a long story involved about who was doing what and why - made total sense to Preston, and actually was pretty complicated and organized. I was very impressed.
This is part of the story-telling that he was doing. There was a lot going on and it was serious!
Close up of the missiles prepared for launch!!! Hope none end up in the Durango tires.....
More tales of the attack..... Scary Stuff.
On Saturday, my friend Craig and I went up to Memory Grove and took a walk, it has been many years since I was there, and it looked really different but still really interesting and fun to check out the spots. I have many very happy memories of the aptly named Grove. This is the
Meditation building that is there. We laughed, there were a gallizion couples there lounging and posing at the monuments for wedding /engagement pictures.... Seemed ironic to me to do that at a War momument setting but hey what the heck??Next time you have some time on your hands and want something fun to do, take a drive to town and go walk around. It was very cool.
Here is Preston with his VERTICAL line-up of blocks. Also VERY intricate and organized, - there is a pattern with the colors and the blocks for most of the stacks. The blocks are stacked on the drawer pulls. This took some time.... and deep concentration.

These are some of his cars etc, that drove up and were parked under the block structure. They had to stay there until the other blocks came down.... It was a pretty snappy formation, I thought!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Songie

Today is my baby girl's b-day! Song, I am always so proud of you and all the things that you have accomplished. I hope you have a happy happy day with your sweet family and I'll kiss you on Friday when I see you! I love you more than tongue can tell.
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y H O N E Y!!!