Sunday, August 31, 2008

You say tomato.....I say phooey!

This is the saddest crop I've EVER had

The cukes seem to be coming along slowly

My herbs are happy The zucchini is finally producing ....

I love my small vegetable garden, I'm not as dedicated as I should be and get lots of help from my Dad and Carey for the heavy work. I hoe, weed and feed is about it, but I LOVE fresh tomatoes at the end of the summer and like to jar up chili sauce and salsa at the end of the year for the winter. My harvest this year is the worst ever. Two years ago I had Carey build some garden boxes because I read that the boxes helped to keep the water in better and the bugs at bay, as well as making it easier to keep weeded - I'm all about easy - anyway, thinking the soil in the boxes were bad, I have lamented the scarcity of the blossoms, the wilted and brown stems and the miniscule and half split sorry tomatoes that have managed to grow. I tried inserting water tubes for better hydration and have religiously feed them, to no avail. My tomato harvest consists of about 15 tiny (golfball size) versus the typical baseball size I like, and about a third were inedible because of splits, rot or bug holes. I could cry!! I read in the paper that the cold May we had, caused a lot of the local tomatoes to set blossoms too soon and the cold spring kept the honey bees away as well. I was glad to know I'm not a total numbskull about my gardening methods (of course I blamed myself) and that the climate was part of the issue..... but I am very sad my tomato crop this year is crap.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

PP9 - Latest

Our sweet Preston is gimpy! - Jayme is taking him to have his feet and legs checked out. One of his legs is longer than the other one. This can be sucessfully treated and of course is easier to treat when kids are young, so that is good.
Leg length discrepancy is an orthopaedic problem that usually appears in childhood, in which one's two legs are of unequal lengths.
Jayme said she could see Carey out in the garage, carving wooden inserts for his shoes.
We both had a good laugh over that mental image - if you know Carey, it is especially apt.
Anyway I've been such a blog slug lately, I thought I would send a little update. More later!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm a celebrity magnet.

Hello all, I have been having recurring dreams of "famous" people... Like Oprah, Gwenyth, Orlando Bloom, Brad Pitt... I have NEVER dreamt of celebrities before and it is starting to be weird. I wonder if I was a queen in one of my past lives. I don't know but I am pondering this question about why these people are following me in my sleep!!! Any thoughts?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Party

Friends and Sisters visiting, Sherry and Sophie, Ian going down the slide, Preston, Ian, the Boys playing in the ice bucket, Tom and Miss in the bouncy (Laura's pics are better, check out her
blog) Mom & Dad having a blast, the newly engaged Spencer & Sara, Song-Lana-Jeanie,
the Bounce House (we had to cut limbs to fit)
Song, Viv and Will in the Bounce House, Viv enjoying her birthday cake and blowing out the candles and just in general enjoying herself.

Here are some pics from Viv's birthday party, thanks all for coming - we had a great time and love spending time with our families and dear friends! By the way a black beaded necklace was found in the garage. Anyone missing their jewelry??? email me at work or call me if you are!

Photography Credit***

The faceplate photo and the first 3 pics of Vivi below were taken by Song. As well as creating gorgeous children with Dennis, she is a very talented photographer!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Vivian Louise!

This is my second-borne grandchild and first grand-daughter. Vivi was borne on Guam and I didn't meet her until she was 5 weeks old. Her first couple of weeks were spent in Okinawa, Japan at the Naval NICU center (because there wasn't one on Guam) - anyway, she struggles occasionally with physical ailments but she very seldom lets things get her down. She struggles daily with a body that requires extra time to learn and extra strength to master things we don't give a second thought to, but she goes on and works hard to do everything everyone else does. She is courageous and strong in spirit and knows what she wants. I can't say that for myself, so I am often humbled by her determination. She is a wonderful little person and the best snuggler ever. She will be four on Sunday (August 10) and we are having a big bash for her. I get a lump in my throat sometimes when I look at her, she is so precious to me and I love her so much. Plus she is a hoot - this girl knows how to party so we will have a rockin' good time!

PP8 It's Official!

On Friday August 8th, Preston was officially adopted by Carey and Jayme. His family was in attendance at the courthouse and the judge finalized it. Finally - it has been a long and bittersweet road for the Dodge family but we are happy that he is legally where he should be.
Jayme and Carey were happy to have this chapter closed and a bright new one opened!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Visitors from LV, con't.

I am currently at work, taking a day off the fun at home, my grandkids are so funny. I know most GP's think that, but mine really are goofy. I get the biggest kick out of them. Will is a computer/super hero freak, and goes on and on and on about his computer games and his super heros. His current favorite is Iron Man. I never thought the day would come that Spidy would be replaced, but apparently this is the case. Vivi will be 4 on Sunday, - She can break your heart with her sweetness then turn around and become a maniac in 2 seconds flat! But give her a project or a job and she is very dedicated to it. The little man Ian, is quiet but can squeal with the best of them, when necessary and he is also very lightning quick with his moods, depending on what is going on. I have a box of crackers and snacks and treats in a "locked" tupperware on the floor of my kitchen and he likes to stand by it and asks for "NAX" (snacks).
Cady is too little to be too crazy yet, but she is observing things all the time. It will be truly a crazy group once she starts walking and talking... but as I said, they are the sweetest ever when they want to be.
I'm very happy to have them here. I'll put more pics on later.....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Vistors from LV !

My lovies are here for a visit ~ I apologize for my camera, I'm am struggling with a focus issue - any suggestions let me know. Cady (Cadence) is gettin so bid and she is a smiling happy girl. The kids have all been very glad to be here and have been having fun. Song and Dennis, Will and Vivi went to Lagoon with Carey, Jayme and Preston on Friday - I stayed with Ian and Cady (was delighted to "have" to stay home in the cool with the babies!) I'll post some pictures hopefully from Jayme. She said she got some good ones but the day was fun. Jayme and Song both said the kids rocked on and enjoyed all the day had to offer. Saturday, Dennis was riding in a bike race from Park City to Evanston and back (170 miles) - Song was a volunteer up there and she will be posting some pictures of that. I got to live a bit of Song' s world with the four kids on my own - with some big help from Aunt Jayme too! I was exhausted but they are such a joy at the same time. With the time to spend together so limited, we try to cram all the fun in we can. Jayme and Carey took Will to swim and he went off the diving board and and slide so Preston and Will were having a good time. Ian experienced a dog for the first time and about freaked, he was so afraid of big bad Z! - He has gotten used to her and is better now, but still a little leery of this furry critter that hangs around. He calls her Doh... Vivi is in the thick of everything and so agreeable - until shes NOT. I get a huge kick out of her sweetness and her vinegar. She enjoyed some art time and so did her body and Ian's. Laura I thought of you.... I must admit I think TV as the proverbial "devils workshop" but I was thanking Heaven for this wonderful invention because for a short part of the day, they were all enjoying it quietly (with a hefty dose of popcorn and some milk chasers) and I got to hang with Baby Cady for a bit without interruption. Song I couldn't do it day in and day out. You will get your reward for it, one day..... its why this business is better left to the young and strong. Women at 50 or 60 having kids - its whack!

Anyway the vacation continues and we are having a great time so far! Song and Jayme and Will and Preston have gone to church and Dennis took the girls to his parent's house and church with them, so I am taking a few minutes to update. Will continue later! Signing off now in hopes of a quick nap - Ian is here with me and he is asleep!!!

PP7 -sorry I'm late again!

For those of you who wait with bated breath for each installment of Preston's Planet, I am once again late, so let's just say I'll update weekly and not make an official day - that way I don't feel guilty. Preston enjoyed days of 47 in his western attire and horse at his daycare school - he was really rockin' with all the other little cowhands when I dropped him off. Looked like some rowdy action was planned for the day! Preston also, got very brave and finally went down the slide by himself at the pool! He was so excited by his bravery that he slid nonstop until he was so tired he had to have a rest on Aunt Ooh!

This is Preston's friend the hippo. Fun was had by all, except he got an "owie"- Preston was going to jump off the diving board with Papa, but they got a little bit tangled - Preston's ankle was scraped on the side by the rough board. The injury might not have been too bad, but we discovered he is allergic to the adhesive in the bandaid - he is, recovering nicely now that the bandage is removed!!