Friday, August 28, 2009

The "Look"

This picture makes me laugh out loud. (Really loud- Martha laughs too) For whatever reason this reminds me of Song and her little ones. It also reminds me of my Mother. I have seen this face when I was irritating my own Mom and I'm sure I made this face (often) to Song.
It is the ultimate Mother Face - irritation, resignation, patience.... But it is hilarious. It probably shouldn't make me laugh, but it really does.
Note: this picture was sent via email. I don't know who took it, or if it is real. JH

Monday, August 24, 2009

Still catching up....

Cady really seems to love animals and Z is no exception. Z and Cady were communing together.
Watching the world go by.....

Here are some cute kids hanging out with fries and chicken (favorite meal)
Will and his G-ma - with his storm trooper guy and missing teeth......

Mr Smiley - he was happy to play and have crackers with the kids.
Jayme giving dog feeding/petting instructions to the little girls. They love Z (as I have
said before) and really got a charge out of feeding her. It was fun to watch them giggle and
practice. Z is such a tender little animal.
Cady (and Bunny's) turn to learn.

Grandpa with the captain helmet on - playing outside with Preston and Evan.
Preston is the jailer - Evan is the criminal.... I thought it was hilarious.
Amy claims Preston plays this game with her, too.
Being locked into the "cell"
Jailer Preston, giving ultimatums on the prisoner's release.....
Anyway, those are some more pics that I thought were fun. Happy Monday.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ring-bearer and FlowerGirl -- Cutest Ever

I have sucked at Blogging this summer, and my battery died (and I can't believe my
spare was un-charged too!) Anyway these were the extent of my picture taking at the
wedding. But they are darling pics I have to say. The Ring Bearer and The FlowerGirl.
In the garage when first arrived....
Out at the Pool area with the large lantern prop... very artsy, Jayme.
"Rockin' Out" - Preston wanted to climb them - so did Viv. The dress didn't hold up too well
but it was very cute for a little while.
Listening carefully to the ceremony... I promise I'll post more later.....
but wanted to share this cute little duo. Ciao!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Vivi Lou! 5

In Oceanside, CA : playing in the sand
At Seaworld with Gma

Cupboard play

In SLC at Grandma Lou's party

Fairy dancing at home.
Happy Birthday Vivian ~~~ I can't believe you are already FIVE!
Vivian is my favorite 1st grandgirl. (Cady is my favorite 2nd grandgirl) Vivi holds my heart in a very sweet grip. Her giggle is the giggliest ever. When she giggles I giggle. She is a very strong personality and doesn't take any guff from anyone. A true LEO and leader. I love her more than I can say.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday afternoon!

Preston came by the "Tech" today to visit.... He was jumping up and down on a chair
in front of my desk. I thought he looked really B I G !
Sue and Song : Final choice. Opted for the ivory instead of the pink. It looked prettier.....
Note sweet hairclips that match.
Detail of the back....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Low Blood Pressure - HB George!!!

Yesterday, Preston would not let me kiss his lips. he turned his cheek, told me he wasn't feeling very well. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he had low blood pressure and was really very tired. I guess he thought it was contagious .... I thought it was hilarious. This is Preston with a sticky beard...

Happy B-day George! You're getting really old. Maybe in about 10 years you'll
catch up. You and Sue - youngsters! Love you - and appreciate all the things
you do for us!
Brad's little dog Tally, came to visit Martha - this is her new cage -- I love it. My floor
has been litter free ever since. Walls cleaner too! Super Nice! (as Jayme would say).

Aaron and Kiyoko at the "Jack n' Jill" party - it was lots of fun. Remember the big
day is only about a week away!!!

Love was in air......

Song, call me about these two pics.... you'll know what it's about.

Hope everyone is doing well. I've noticed a slow down in the blogging - it's hard
to keep up this busy summer..... See you all on the 15th at Aaron's wedding.....
(hopefully all) xoxo