Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween "Fun" (Bunnion Exorcism)

It seems to me, I displayed a similar pic of my Dad last year, with the leg propped up. This year it is bunnion removal... got the potassium levels back up and went forward with the surgery. Mom has on her running shoes.....Good costume, Dad!
Just scary.....

Preston is modeling his costume... (glad it's not the fireman suit again)

Sans mask.... very intimidating....
and mixing things up a bit with the newly acquired light saber! Happy Halloween....Boo!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!!!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween weekend. Have as much fun as you can ! YeeHaw.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Fun Stroll Down Memory Lane

A new chair for the "Pink" room - from the East Millcreek Library (my childhood library)Cost $5. each - (that's for you Laura) I'll take new pics once we re-finish them.
A new chair for the desk in my room. Jayme got 4 of these for her kitchen table. Cost: $5.
The East Millcreek Library - they are tearing it down along with the gymnasium next door and building a new library, senior center and rec center. When we went inside, it looked so small compared to my memories. It's probably been 25 years since I've been inside this library. I had so many memories of it, I was really glad we went. They were selling all the furniture and shelving down to the walls. I wanted one of the old book carts, but they were all marked for transfer or sold.... should've come a little earlier!
We strolled over to our childhood playground, Evergreen Park. It looked beautiful, again very small. It's been a few years since I've been to the Park. The last time was a Neff Family reunion that was probably 10 years or so ago.

None of this was fenced when we were kids - Jayme and I laughed, those were the good old day- we were constantly exposed to danger! We cut down Keller Lane and thru the other streets, hit the creek thru the back and walked across poles, or pipes to get across the creek to Evergreen Jr High - it cut of a couple of blocks of our walk to school. Yes! We walked to school almost every day and walked home. Rain, Snow or Sunshine. We were so lucky !!!

This is the "Patio" there. If you blow up the pic, you can see where the old fireplace has been bricked up. It seemed like it was huge, but looks smaller now. I remember the fireplace was used a lot. We had breakfast there every fourth of July. This park reminds me of my Grandma. It runs along Evergreen Avenue (the fourth of July parade ran up and down this road every year) and I also think of it, as ours.

The pumpkin is being considered for removal (along with the castle behind it). They are both metal and not safe for kids. I hope they don't change it. The kids will survive - we did.
I had forgotten about the cannon - but it's still there! Anyway it was fun to stroll down Memory Lane

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Last Sunday

Last Sunday we went to our great-nephew's blessing. Sawyer James was awesome. No crying, or dramatics for him. We went over to Tom and Laura's for breakfast after. Very nice.
There was lots of thrills for the kids at their neighbor's house behind them ...full Halloween graveyard and lots of area to run in.
There was all kinds of spooky stuff back there.

I had some other things going on and didn't post this in order so here it is a week late!
We also got another great-nephew this week, James Spencer born on Thurs. Dad has
a lot of name-sakes! The next generation....

Friday, October 16, 2009

HB Jayme!

Jayme and her kids Getting a little help from the boy....

At the "Cheese" - We enjoyed a lovely dinner... went to the parents after for cake.

Amy got to attend her first ever "Girls Night Out" - it was fun to have her with us.
Thanks Jayme for all the many things you do for all of us. The animal kingdom thanks you too!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week in Review...

Happy Birthday David - you are the only one who can crack my back. Love YOU and have a great day.
Jayme, Carey and Preston (and others) overlooking the pond at Gardner Village's October WitchaPalooza - very fun and festive...
By the water mill of Gardner's Mill.
Pumpkins everywhere...
Batter up Witches
Assistance given

Preston and Goldie, taking a spin.
This is under the table at Mimi's... someone is not sitting properly in their chair.

Dad got Mom a ruby ring for the ruby was even his idea...Maybe he's finally
getting it? Way to go Dad.

We took them to Market Street (Oyster Bar) for their anniversary. It was lots of fun. They were doing the pinky swear. So cute.

Preston at the "U" on the mountain. He had a Dr appt at Shriner's so was nearby. Yaya took the pics so he would have some of him and his favorite landmark.

This is from 1-15 headed to town - you can see how far the U is on the mountain....
It was a busy week. Today we are headed to Sawyer's blessing... it will be very nice I'm sure. Yesterday (Saturday 10/10/09) was also the Las Vegas Buddy Walk for Downs Syndrome, Sue,Glen, Aaron and Kiyoko, drove down on Friday to walk for Vivi's Team with Song and her family and other walkers..A special thanks to them for going that extra "mile" to walk a mile for the cause. Thanks to everyone who participated, donated (Jayme wore her shirt all Saturday) and supports our little Viv ~ Song will blog about it, so stay tuned.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

2009: 80,80,60

This is a terrible copy of a sweet pic I have of my M&D: date written on the back is 1947.
They were just 18.....This year they both turned 80. Today is their anniversary~Congratulations to them on surviving 60 years of marriage on top of the 4 years they dated prior to it. If you haven't heard the story of their meeting at Black Rock (Great Salt Lake) please call one of them and have them tell it to you. Their version is the best.... It is a very cute story!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Deep Thought for Friday Afternoon......

For mad scientists who keep brains in jars, here's a tip: why not adda slice of lemon to each jar, for freshness? (by Jack Handy)
Someone sent me this picture. It made me laugh....easy to do. Have a great weekend.