Monday, July 28, 2008


Despite all our modern conveniences and inventions, that seem to take over everything we do, it seems like the simplest things give me the most joy. A sparkling clean sink, a weeded flower bed, playing with a child. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Preston came to visit at the "Tech" - he has a lot of fun wherever he goes. He'll probably be unhappy about the potty picture, but he is doing a great job learning the "ins and outs" of that daily exercise! I tried to keep it very g-rated, sorry for the tub picture, Jen!! Once again, Preston is being silly.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Pie n' Beer Day !

Happy Pioneer Day! I celebrated my Pioneer heritage by going to work, but there is always the parade via TV or if you are brave enough to hit downtown and spend the night in order to get a proper seat on the street.... you can go that route. Maybe next year!!! But anyway, just sending a big rodeo wave out to everyone to have a fun day off and have some pie n' beer in honor of the days of 47... Yee Haw.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Weekend Fun

We went to the Days of 47 Children's Parade... Preston and Carey walked with the Float from the Childrens Services Society of Utah, GrandFamilies group. We had a lot of fun, it's been a while since I've been to a parade and it was a perfect day!
Carey and Preston (in the center of the picture) walking down 500 South toward the City and County Building, where they had a festival for the kids.
Presto with the Stormtrooper guy from Star Wars! I was surprised Preston would stand with him but he did.
Lou and Jim, enjoying themselves as only they can!!
Heading home after the parade.....

The first float, this was very cool.
Watching the action
Lots of fun stuff
Doing a great job!

Friday, July 18, 2008


The Car Wash: when Preston has a bath at my place, he calls it the car wash. We pretend that he is the "car". I stand over him and sway the handheld shower back and forth like he is going thru the tunnel and being auto-cleaned. He loves this little ritual and it will be sad when he gets a little older and will be too big for it! A special bonus, is that whenever he has his car wash, my bathroom floor gets washed too!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I Speak to Dead People (nod to Laura)

Ok, this is a customer service phone call I had today:
Receptionist at service center: May I help you?
Me: I'd like to speak to Randy in shipping.
- Phone rings, answers and I am informed electronically that
the voicemail is full and to call back later.
I hit zero- go back the receptionist at service center (RSC):
May I help you?
Me: I called for Randy but he is not answering and his VM is full. I need
to speak to a live person there for some tracking info. Can I speak to Pandhi?
RSC: Pandhi is not in today. Would you like his voicemail?
Me: No thank you, I need to speak to a live person today. Please let me
talk to someone in shipping.
RSC: Would you like to talk to Randy?
Me: Yes, but he is not answering and his VM is full.
RSC: pause... well let me page him and I'll see if he answers.
Me: thanks that would be great.
RSC: (after 5 mins on hold) Randy's not answering his page.
Would you like his voicemail?
Me: (I am gritting my teeth now) No, Randy's vm is full... I really need
to speak to a live person, is there someone else there who can help me?
RSC: Oh, Randy's alive, he just isn't picking up his calls or pages. ...
Me: I need to speak to an actual person, not vm, not a message. I understand
that Randy is alive. I need someone to help me today, from shipping. Is there
someone else there?
RSC: uh,...would you like to leave Randy a voicemail?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Note for Modern Caution

Song's family blog is now passworded, so if you are having any issues reaching her or getting to her blog, let me know via email (or other method) and I will have her send you an invite. She had some creepy comments added to her blog and didn't want the safety of her family risked in any way, so decided to add a layer of protection by adding the password. However, she wants to allow any family member or friend to feel free to come by her "Window".

Surprise Visitor!

My cute little girl came to town for a surprise visit. Picked her up Saturday pm and had to drop her off Sunday pm but it was a pleasure to be able to spend a little time, just the 2 of us and we went to a memorial service for one of her best friend's brother, who had passed away from cancer. Song has a group of girlfriends that were acquired between 3rd - 7th grade that she is close to. I call them her girl posse (hey it was in the 80's) She wanted to come hug her friend Kate, so that is why she came for a day. Jayme came to the airport and we picked her up and had a lovely quiet dinner together, (neither Song or Jayme get to do this all that often) and then came home and visited. On Sunday we drove up to Sugarhouse Park so Song could go for a run and Preston and I hung out at the playground while we waited. Later we went to the memorial and after it was over, I delivered her to the airport. Short, and sweet and a very needed break for both of us. I miss her every day so I'm so glad she got to come - even for such a short time.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Here are a few of Preston's favorite things...
Preston loves the pool -

Fingerpainting - "en pleine air"

Enjoying the Artic Cat

Bird's eye view of some of Preston's toys....
this is also typical layout....

"Yars" "Special Blanket" and Special Pillow

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Getting over the hump

This week has been a giant cockroach on the floor of life.... so glad I can go home right now.
More later.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th weekend con't - + Preston's Planet3

Jayme and Amy at the pool party..,

Nina, David, Spence, flipping Evan - sorry his head got cut off in the picture.

Almost 59 years...and never a cross word spoken !

Later at Mom's having some birthday cake with the family. Evan helped her blow out the candles - Preston was so tired, he didn't care and was up having a needed nap... Cake was delicious.

Evan and Preston, sharing the Artic Cat. When the Cat was stopped, Evan had good grip on the wheel, however when it was in motion, he preferred using the windshield as his steering device - - didn't work well, but he had fun.

Getting a bit of shade in Preston's "apartment"

Ok - check out Lou's expression and check out Preston's "Hun" face... hmmm.

The kids had a great time in the pool - so did the adults... George (upside down) Davino
We also made it to the Farmers Market - word of warning: Do NOT go there after 9:00 am. It was packed beyond comfort and was too too hot. Anyway had a fun holiday break ~~ Didn't do any fireworks or such. Just enjoyed all our freedoms and plenty and was thankful to be an American. Happy 4th!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth o' July Part 1

We had to bribe Preston to stand here (he is on a chair and Yaya has promised he can throw some caps on the ground...He wanted to play, not stand around. The "firecracker/waterbaby" herself. Once the hair was messed up, we couldn't get her out~ With Mom, when you "add water" - she turns into a 10 year old. Check out the legs... she's hot.
Well.... this one, not so hot
but I had to post his disgusting shirt. My family doesn't shy away from a debate....or a good time.

Scooge got a bloody nose, but didn't let that bother him too much. He got right back in, too. Alex was in the pool everytime I tried to take his picture, but we were glad they came. Mike & Mel came later but I didn't get a pic.. we were glad they came too. Mike your new tats are very cool. I think your mother should get hers soon!
Dad doing a backflip to prove he can... He did!! More exciting flips and flops...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Girls!

Happy Birthday Mom! Here she is celebrating with her girls, at Ruth's Diner -
Emigration Canyon. It was lovely!! We were ready to tie her up, she IS a
wild child. Ching-Ching-Ching and Mom, you KNOW what I'm talking about.

Happy Birthday to Ashley! (next to Momma Jackie) Hope you had a great day!

Love you girls....

More later - just wanted to get the post in before the day was over.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Here is a funny pic of my sibs around 1961 I think, minus baby David. He must've been sitting on my mother's lap somewhere (probably whining) I was just thinking I couldn't believe it is already July - the year more than half over, when I saw this picture - Just thought I would share- to all readers - Go out, enjoy the day... and call your Grandmother... one day she won't be there anymore!!!

Picture LtoR top: Grandma Evelyn (my Dad's mom)
Becky, me, Sue, Jayme (on Sue's lap)
Clark, Corey