Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Birthday to B and Z

Here is the "B"-day Girl and some of her family! Geo,GP, Teresa, Tanner,
Amber, and the Girl herself: B (this pic was actually taken over the holidays)
Preston - being sweet and cheesey!!! These are dandelions he picked for me...(I am allegic but he didn' t know that)
Mom at the Fashion Place Mall parking lot, we went to Cheesecake Factory for B's dinner.

Here is P-Reston with the other Birthday Girl ZZ -

Will and Preston in the yard over the weekend. Song and her family came in for the weekend so Song could run the half Marathon in SLC - (see her blog for details) - anyway I got the kids and they had a pretty fun time with their old Gma and the neighbors...Jayme, Carey, Preston and Z.
Except E (Ian) - he is terrified of Z...and Martha. He struggles with the animal kingdom.

Dad and Viv - having a moment together.....

Will - being hilarious (He thought so)

Viv again - Tripod girl
"E" freshly bathed and having a "NACK".

Cady - she is eating Song's marathon medal... Yum. It was a fun weekend.

1 comment:

dennisandsong said...

it was a fun week-end, thanks for watching my brood and letting me do my thing!! Love you!