Monday, November 24, 2008


Jayme and Carey at Viansa - tasting wine - Carey and I were the "die-hards" we made it through 2 tastings. I was halfway lit (it was early!!! ) so we quit after 2 wineries and just toured. Glen, Sue, Aaron, Wendy, Bob, George, Jayme, Carey, and I went for the day. Aunt B and Preston hung out at the "big" house. It was a fun day.
B, Preston, Yaya - thrilling moment for Preston in SF! There were TWO SFFD trucks at the wharf - they drove by and waved. He was pretty jazzed about it.

Kind of a typical pose for Wendy and Bob, later Aaron joined the lap-bots and they complained about B watching TV!!!

Wendy's Beemer - of course B was totally irritated with this bumper sticker - California is full of "lemonaid drinking liberals"

Jaccuzi Winery - this place had olive oil tasting too, and they had a section for olive oil soaps, and other products. (Sue and George hanging out while I'm taking pics) Beautiful stone building - made me think of my Dad and brothers (masons and the argonut)

This painting was at the olive oil section of the winery. I just loved the painting. This picture
doesn't do it justice but it really spoke to me for some reason. I love the colors, the shapes of the olive pickers, love the tree. I just love it!

This is crazy Preston after he fell off the stationary trains in the park. From what I heard, he took a running leap up the steps and just kept going off the other side. He told me he ran out of room. It actually looked worse that this picture, but a day or two later he was healed. Scared the living crap out of Aunt Sue and Yaya.

Preston and Yaya - having a moment in the fabulous weather out on the patio at the
"big" house.

Aaron and Preston - boys being boys... they had a good time together.

Wendy and her new man . Bob left and Scott came for dinner. He was very nice.
We were surprised because he was a pretty straight arrow. Not Wendy's usual type.
(Sayin' it with love, Wendy)
Thanks Wendy, for putting us up in these cool places. Everyone should get the chance
to come to this beautiful place.

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