Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ring-bearer and FlowerGirl -- Cutest Ever

I have sucked at Blogging this summer, and my battery died (and I can't believe my
spare was un-charged too!) Anyway these were the extent of my picture taking at the
wedding. But they are darling pics I have to say. The Ring Bearer and The FlowerGirl.
In the garage when first arrived....
Out at the Pool area with the large lantern prop... very artsy, Jayme.
"Rockin' Out" - Preston wanted to climb them - so did Viv. The dress didn't hold up too well
but it was very cute for a little while.
Listening carefully to the ceremony... I promise I'll post more later.....
but wanted to share this cute little duo. Ciao!

1 comment:

dennisandsong said...

They were very cute, couldn't ask for better performances!!