Thursday, August 6, 2009

Low Blood Pressure - HB George!!!

Yesterday, Preston would not let me kiss his lips. he turned his cheek, told me he wasn't feeling very well. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he had low blood pressure and was really very tired. I guess he thought it was contagious .... I thought it was hilarious. This is Preston with a sticky beard...

Happy B-day George! You're getting really old. Maybe in about 10 years you'll
catch up. You and Sue - youngsters! Love you - and appreciate all the things
you do for us!
Brad's little dog Tally, came to visit Martha - this is her new cage -- I love it. My floor
has been litter free ever since. Walls cleaner too! Super Nice! (as Jayme would say).

Aaron and Kiyoko at the "Jack n' Jill" party - it was lots of fun. Remember the big
day is only about a week away!!!

Love was in air......

Song, call me about these two pics.... you'll know what it's about.

Hope everyone is doing well. I've noticed a slow down in the blogging - it's hard
to keep up this busy summer..... See you all on the 15th at Aaron's wedding.....
(hopefully all) xoxo

1 comment:

laura said...

ha, that "low blood pressure" line is awesome!

i really don't know if we'll be able to make the wedding. the whole baby stuff has left our plans kind of up in the air, but we will definitely try to be there!