Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week in Review...

Happy Birthday David - you are the only one who can crack my back. Love YOU and have a great day.
Jayme, Carey and Preston (and others) overlooking the pond at Gardner Village's October WitchaPalooza - very fun and festive...
By the water mill of Gardner's Mill.
Pumpkins everywhere...
Batter up Witches
Assistance given

Preston and Goldie, taking a spin.
This is under the table at Mimi's... someone is not sitting properly in their chair.

Dad got Mom a ruby ring for the ruby was even his idea...Maybe he's finally
getting it? Way to go Dad.

We took them to Market Street (Oyster Bar) for their anniversary. It was lots of fun. They were doing the pinky swear. So cute.

Preston at the "U" on the mountain. He had a Dr appt at Shriner's so was nearby. Yaya took the pics so he would have some of him and his favorite landmark.

This is from 1-15 headed to town - you can see how far the U is on the mountain....
It was a busy week. Today we are headed to Sawyer's blessing... it will be very nice I'm sure. Yesterday (Saturday 10/10/09) was also the Las Vegas Buddy Walk for Downs Syndrome, Sue,Glen, Aaron and Kiyoko, drove down on Friday to walk for Vivi's Team with Song and her family and other walkers..A special thanks to them for going that extra "mile" to walk a mile for the cause. Thanks to everyone who participated, donated (Jayme wore her shirt all Saturday) and supports our little Viv ~ Song will blog about it, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

laura said...

when i was little my sister used to watch some kids that lived right by the "u" and we would hike it all the time. i'd totally forgotten about that until i saw that picture of preston. that'll be a great memory for him

glad you had fun at the gardner village. jenny takes my girls every year and they love it!