Saturday, November 7, 2009

Random Stuff

Everyone had such beautiful pumpkins displayed I had to shows ours - this was Jayme and Carey's pumpkin - very nice. I didn't carve mine, just had the whole things in the the window and sidewalk. But they did a cute job on theirs.
This is one of my new favorite cooking tools - I got a super duper deal on it ($19.00) and now I can't remember the brand name of this grill pan, but it rocks. I've cooked fish, meat and veggies on it and feel like I have my own mini BBQ right on the stove. I want to try some stone fruit to see how it does ....
Carey has been working his *** off in the yard, and got the sprinklers fixed for their front section - all the other sections were ok, anyway Preston was having a sprinkler bath - pretty nice for November ....
Got a little visitor at the "Tech".... someone was having a really good time....


laura said...

that pan looks awesome! i might have to buy one myself!

Michele McLaughlin said...

Reminds me of all the times Brandon spent at the "Tech".