Thursday, June 5, 2008

Top Cowboy at the Clownshoe Rodeo

This is my baby brother David. He is awesome but I would never let him know. He emails me tacky jokes that I secretly like and can pop my back - He has several "handles". Davino the Divine, Duhvino, Grunt. His mother calls him the Sap. Someone probably calls him "Sport". When he was a kid we all called him Little JC. He flies planes, builds computers and I believe he can still speak German. He is very smart, and is a smart-ass as well. He is qualified to perform wedding ceremonies if anyone is interested. He is a know -it-all, but that seems to be a Hildebrand Family Trait (HFT).

1 comment:

dennisandsong said...

You have him down to a "T"! Your blog is looking good, I love the flower pic. very pretty. Also, I noticed your shout out to the little ones. I have to agree, smartest, most creative. . . I think you should add the most naughty as well!! (naughty in a you have to smile way!)