Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth o' July Part 1

We had to bribe Preston to stand here (he is on a chair and Yaya has promised he can throw some caps on the ground...He wanted to play, not stand around. The "firecracker/waterbaby" herself. Once the hair was messed up, we couldn't get her out~ With Mom, when you "add water" - she turns into a 10 year old. Check out the legs... she's hot.
Well.... this one, not so hot
but I had to post his disgusting shirt. My family doesn't shy away from a debate....or a good time.

Scooge got a bloody nose, but didn't let that bother him too much. He got right back in, too. Alex was in the pool everytime I tried to take his picture, but we were glad they came. Mike & Mel came later but I didn't get a pic.. we were glad they came too. Mike your new tats are very cool. I think your mother should get hers soon!
Dad doing a backflip to prove he can... He did!! More exciting flips and flops...


dennisandsong said...

and case in point to my hildebrand blog. . .my grandparents are wild!! Looks like fun, I'm sad to have missed it!

Davino said...

...the old guy only made - half - of the backflip, but a valiant effort indeed...