Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Surprise Visitor!

My cute little girl came to town for a surprise visit. Picked her up Saturday pm and had to drop her off Sunday pm but it was a pleasure to be able to spend a little time, just the 2 of us and we went to a memorial service for one of her best friend's brother, who had passed away from cancer. Song has a group of girlfriends that were acquired between 3rd - 7th grade that she is close to. I call them her girl posse (hey it was in the 80's) She wanted to come hug her friend Kate, so that is why she came for a day. Jayme came to the airport and we picked her up and had a lovely quiet dinner together, (neither Song or Jayme get to do this all that often) and then came home and visited. On Sunday we drove up to Sugarhouse Park so Song could go for a run and Preston and I hung out at the playground while we waited. Later we went to the memorial and after it was over, I delivered her to the airport. Short, and sweet and a very needed break for both of us. I miss her every day so I'm so glad she got to come - even for such a short time.

1 comment:

MLC said...

That is so groovy. I am glad you got to spend at least a little time alone with her.