Tuesday, December 9, 2008

View from Dad's Room...

This is the view from Dad's new hospital room (Regional Hosp) - He has the whole southern
wall with a huge window... Very nice!
Dr. Dodge is also a cosmetologist/stylist -- So many talents!! What would we do without her?
She is just freshening up Dad's "look"..
There he is - up and about. He was even making crude jokes which we don't appreciate, but we do appreciate that the man has his sense of humor back, sick as it is - no pun intended.

Another (earlier) view from the window. The new snow looked beautiful on the trees. Sue was supervising the walk, Jayme cutting the hair, Mom dishing up his hospital dinner and Carey and Preston also entertaining in the room - It was a party!

1 comment:

dennisandsong said...

what a great view!! He sure looks better than the last time I saw him!! You all do a lot just different things and different talents!!

Love you and wish I was there to pitch in more.