Monday, February 9, 2009

You know who I'm talking to:

Cram it Clownshoe! I mean that with lots of love. Sorry for messing up Ann Hathaway's name. When I was a young girl -9 or 10 there was a girl in my school who was the prettiest girl ever, her name was Amy Hathaway and she was pretty and smart and always had lots of friends. I was really jealous of her, even though I liked her alot too. I think they call them girl crushes now, but I must've had that in my head. Get over it. I might have to start smoking Capris.....


Davino said...

...let the alzheimers begin!

MLC said...

Girl Crush is like the modern Bro-mance. I have a girl crush on Ann Hathaway too, so that is OK