Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Weekly Update May 12-20

My uncle Turk (my Mom's brother) passed away so my folks and sisters Sue and B went to Manila for the funeral. It was a nice little trip (just overnight) and I rode up with B & George.
It has been literally years since I've seen my cousins so it was a sad and happy reunion. Really good to see my cousins though. Mother behaved which was appreciated, we didn't have any fights or anything. We got back from Manila and I went and got Z and dashed to the airport so I could pick up the travelers (Jayme, Carey, Preston) from the East Coast and get them home. I was surprised because I missed the stupid dog once I got her home....weird! Preston had a whoop de doop time on Sunday because it was warm enough to run thru the sprinklers - at least in this day and age it's okay- Mom told me that HER mother would never let her anywhere near the water hose until August - because it was too cold and she would catch diseases.... actually i believe in those days polio was an issue.... Mom and Dad came over to Jaymes Sunday for dinner so we got to rehash everything. Anyway it was a happy/sad week and I was fascinated with the giant wind mills that are all over Wyoming. (It doesn't take much!) Clean, renewable energy!!! I saw those and I missed my brother David* for the rest of the ride.......again, weird.
(*Not - this is for you Davino)
Preston, back from the trip and enjoying the hot weather - I caught this expression just right~

Not sure what he's doing here, but is loving it..
More clownshoe activity out in the yard.
Windmills keep on Turning ......They were GIANT! So cool.

The entry way into my Grandfather's (originally) ranch. It was beautiful.

Mom and Aunt Gloria (!)
Cousin Louise and Cousin Steve with Dad at the new Manila Cemetary.

Cousin Jane, Becky, and Cousin Marjorie (same place) -

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