Friday, September 11, 2009

A Little More Summer's End

Wow, I can't believe it is already September - the tomatoes are blooming, peppers on, and zucchini! I did get 2 (count 'em) of the white "ghost" eggplants I planted.... not quite a dream crop there, but the season brought in a far better crop than we got last year. My yellow pear tomatoes are minimal, but they actually were added as an afterthought and I planted them in a shady spot. I know more sun would have made a huge difference. I tried hot peppers in my front planter and that was a mistake - I'll need to move them back to their happy place. The cukes have been nearly non-existant, but again, the planting decision I made was flawed and if it wasn't for my sweet old Daddy, they would be totally covered over by weeds. He did some good hoe-ing and I don't mean the "fun" kind. Anyway that's my produce comments for 2009. Learned some lessons - I find every year (as with everything I guess) I learn a bit more.

This is where Preston enjoys the slide the most. It's really too small for him anymore but Cady and Ian and Viv still really enjoy it. Lots of pictures of them on this thing.
Here are the main tomato bushes.

A golden zucchini just waiting to be picked..... Does anyone out there know what the white film is on the leaves? Is that normal? I seem to get it every year, it doesn't affect the zucchini but I don't know what it is.
On last horticultural thing... these are Jayme's anniversay flowers from Carey - they truly were the most gorgeous shade of pink I have seen. As you can tell, I took pictures to enjoy them for a long time! They make me happy every time I see them... Have a fun weekend, all!

1 comment:

MLC said...

The white is mold or mildew. Zuchinni is especially prone.