Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thank Heavens for TV ~ Walt Disney is my Idol

Spent a few days visiting with my beloved g.kids...I had to be mean a couple of times which made me sad, but all in all we ended up alive (Vivi rolled down the stairs at one point but was ok - I was still shaking for about an hour afterward) Swords, Light Sabers, and Whips were all out (movie to follow later, don't have time this am)I believed we watched 347 Disney movies and I was grateful for them!....Anyway here are a few pics of my lovies.
First is Will - He is very helpful about being in charge. You need a leader? He's your man. Where's Will????? (He loved this game and we took several pics)

Vivi and I waiting for the school bus. It was late, I tried to put her on another bus (not hers) and then had to run back down the street to the right bus, while yelling at the boys (Will/Preston) to get their rear ends into the house. 7:38A ......but Viv sure looked cute. Love the uniform. She is my cheerful one most of the time.

Here is Preston - on top of the roof of the play station (that is the neighbor's roof in the background). He is an outdoor kind of kid and enjoyed playing outside in the mornings when it was a little cooler - he played out there in afternoons too, but I didn't join him - I couldn't take it. The kids sure love their back yard.
Ian - he was liking Preston's Star Wars blanket VERY much - Ian and Cady both tried to snatch it whenever they could get their hands on it. Cute little ones. Ian had fun with the big boys.

I thought I posted a different pic of Cady, but she is alot like her big brother and very photogenic so most any picture of her will work. She had fun with her sibs and Preston and was happy to play anytime. Song felt bad that the kids weren't more excited to see her - I was beside myself with excitement but was too tired to show it.
I called my mother today and Song, I'm saying it to you, too - You will both be wearing those crowns in Heaven..... You know why.

1 comment:

dennisandsong said...

Thanks for giving Dennis and I a much needed break. I think I am having a kid-free week end hangover though, can't seem to get back into my regular groove!!
You're the best though, thanks again we had the best time!!