Sunday, December 6, 2009

Last weeks events

J & C had to go out of town to a funeral for Cary's sister's husband. So the morning after the office party, we took them to the airport and P-reston and I had a few days together (thank you Amy for staying overnight on Saturday) and picked them up Sunday PM. I got to go to his new school - very nice and they had a Christmas boutique and Thurs and Frid - picked up a melded glass necklace that looks like a tooth - ended up giving it to P and he loves it. Z was a sweet girl and did our traveling with us too. She was missing the walks! Too bad for her, but the two were good company. We had a quiet long weekend. Here are some highlights:

The gi-normous box of legos was in constant use. The laundry basket became the "killer whirlpool" for errant pieces. They would be twirled and suck down into the hole with Jack
Sparrow's ship...??? He's pretty imaginative.

At the Chapman Library, childrens room. This is a little jewel of a library. Great music selections and crafting books. This is the one for a quiet afternoon with kids.
Cookie cutters for a haircut. We also visited Grandma and Grandpa. Exciting as usual.
Grandma tried to ply us with food, Grandpa talked.

Watching toons before we left for the haircut.
Christmas party at Biaggi's - lots of fun. Food was delicious - Good company !

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