Friday, February 26, 2010

Farm Day at the Dancing Moose!

Howdy Pod'ner! Preston had "Farm Day" at his school on Thursday. Jayme (good mother that she is) volunteered her time and went there to help the teachers. Apparently there was milking of a faux-cow and some barn stomping and art work. Sounds very country-like.
My duty in this was to take Preston to the thrift store for a cowboy shirt. When I picked him up (on Weds) he informed me that farmers were stupid and he just wanted to go home - no sissy famrer shirt for him!!! I talked to him about the excitement of farming and we discussed cowboys- the word cowboy evoked such a turn of attitude that I got quite a kick out of the boy. With the magical word "cowboy" all sorts of questions sprung. My favorite being: If I'm a cowboy can I be part a STAMPEDE??? Needless to say, with the focus on the cowhand version of farming, and the thrill of being in the middle of a stampede, Preston picked his own cowboy shirt. This was his choice. He also choose the cool black cowboy hat. See what a handsome cow'dude he makes? Yippee Ki Yi Yay!

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