Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Vivian Louise!

This is my second-borne grandchild and first grand-daughter. Vivi was borne on Guam and I didn't meet her until she was 5 weeks old. Her first couple of weeks were spent in Okinawa, Japan at the Naval NICU center (because there wasn't one on Guam) - anyway, she struggles occasionally with physical ailments but she very seldom lets things get her down. She struggles daily with a body that requires extra time to learn and extra strength to master things we don't give a second thought to, but she goes on and works hard to do everything everyone else does. She is courageous and strong in spirit and knows what she wants. I can't say that for myself, so I am often humbled by her determination. She is a wonderful little person and the best snuggler ever. She will be four on Sunday (August 10) and we are having a big bash for her. I get a lump in my throat sometimes when I look at her, she is so precious to me and I love her so much. Plus she is a hoot - this girl knows how to party so we will have a rockin' good time!


MLC said...

Wish in all my heart we could be there.

Jenny said...

That was so much fun on Sunday! Sorry I couldn't stick around longer! Vivi is so adorable! I am so glad she was having fun! I can't wait until they come again! I definately loved seeing everyone!