Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Visitors from LV, con't.

I am currently at work, taking a day off the fun at home, my grandkids are so funny. I know most GP's think that, but mine really are goofy. I get the biggest kick out of them. Will is a computer/super hero freak, and goes on and on and on about his computer games and his super heros. His current favorite is Iron Man. I never thought the day would come that Spidy would be replaced, but apparently this is the case. Vivi will be 4 on Sunday, - She can break your heart with her sweetness then turn around and become a maniac in 2 seconds flat! But give her a project or a job and she is very dedicated to it. The little man Ian, is quiet but can squeal with the best of them, when necessary and he is also very lightning quick with his moods, depending on what is going on. I have a box of crackers and snacks and treats in a "locked" tupperware on the floor of my kitchen and he likes to stand by it and asks for "NAX" (snacks).
Cady is too little to be too crazy yet, but she is observing things all the time. It will be truly a crazy group once she starts walking and talking... but as I said, they are the sweetest ever when they want to be.
I'm very happy to have them here. I'll put more pics on later.....

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