Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Go Obama!

I hope for our country's future that our new President will be sucessful in the job he has been elected to do. Lets all wish him well in his endeavors and leadership to do our part by being active within our communities and respectful of each other and our beliefs. Ask yourself how you can contribute more to your job, your family and the world around you.


MLC said...

My favorite part of the inaugeal address was when he used toe term "For Real, Dawg" when asked if he could execute the Office of the President. Later ,when he declared The active terrorists in deep shizzy....

Davino said...

I'd still rather be a conservative nut job than a liberal with no nuts and no job!!!

Long live the spirt of Reagan!

dennisandsong said...

I too pray he will do a good job. It is all I have. . .But, if my track record of being a fairly good judge of character holds true, we are in trouble. I hope I am wrong and just being a sore loser, but my instincts are saying prepare for trouble and hard times ahead. I am not excited, I think he is a wolf in sheeps clothing. But, I do hope I am wrong, and you can say, "told you so!"